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A small settlement near Hartmanice. In 1494, one of the first glass smelters in Šumava caught fire near Mochov. A row of memorial deciduous larch trees.
To get tot he top of Pancíř mountain, the tourists may take a chair lift, the track of which is divided into two sections.
Velký Ostrý (1293 m) is one of the most beautiful mount-peaks of the whole Šumava - a frontier mountain with a cross placed on the top, a German mountainous cottage with a pub and a rock formation offering impressive view of the surrounding mountain ridges.
The rebuilt pilgrimage chapel on the site of the hermitage of St. Vintières. A rock on top of Mount Březník. A place where ancient history was written.
The National Nature Reserve of the same name (Bílá strž) was declared in 1972 and extends at the area of 79,2 hectares at the altitude 735-1086 m.


Komplexní služby v oboru stavební výroby i dílčí práce. Od projektu, rozpočtu, stavebního povolení až po kolaudaci.
Nově postavený objekt, vyhled na Špičák. Cyklotrasy, lanovky a vleky na Špičák a Pancíř na dosah.