Bikes, Scooters

Boletice area

New cycle paths at the territory of Boletice military area
Special regime is applied to the local marked cycle paths: they are accessible only on Saturdays, on Sundays and on bank holidays from 7.00 a.m. to 9.00 p.m.!
For more information on travelling through the Boletice military area, see, or call 973 327 207.

Marked cycle paths Boletice:

nr. 1250: Zbytiny, crossroad – Markov – Ktiš – Smědeč + detour nr.1250A: Ktiš – Březovík 
nr. 1251: Nová Hospoda – Třebovice – Tisovka – Miletínky – U mlýna
nr. 1252: Křišťanov, crossroad – Arnoštov – Záhvozdský potok – Pernek + detour nr.1252A: to Záhvozdí
nr. 1253: Chvalšiny – Boletice, detour
nr. 1254: Kájov – Boletice – Polná – Otice – Maňávka – Horní Planá
nr. 1255: Hodňov – Květušín – Polná
nr. 1256: Pod Kraví nohou – Kladenské Rovné

These marked cycle paths have been included into the updated collection of tourist maps (Jihočeské cyklotrasy II.) Lipensko, Boleticko, Novohradsko.

The village of Nová Pec is the starting point of the most visited, 16 km long, inline and cycling path through the southern part of the Šumava National Park past Červený Kříž to Stožec, along the Vltava River valley.
Further list of cycle paths to be found at



Boletice area

New hiking paths at the territory of Boletice military area
Special regime is applied to the local marked hiking paths: they are accessible only on Saturdays, on Sundays and on bank holidays from 7.00 a.m. to 9.00 p.m.!
For more information on travelling through the Boletice military area, see, or call 973 327 207.

Marked hiking paths:
red-marked hiking path: Ktiš – Ktiška – Zlatý potok
red-marked hiking path: Horní Planá, square – Hodňov – Květušín – Hořice na Šumavě
green-marked hiking path: Vyšný – Červený mlýn – Střemily – Ktiš
yellow-marked hiking path: Křištanov, detour – Markov – Pod Chlumkem – Ktiš
yellow-marked hiking path: Pěkná, railway station – Pěkná – Pod Korunáčem – Sněžná

Medvědí stezka (Bear path)

Ovesná – Černý Kříž: yellow-marked hiking path, distance 14 km

Medvědí stezka is the oldest instructional trail in the Šumava. 
The whole path is 14 km long. It is possible to to follow only its section between the villages Ovesná and Jelení with interesting rock formations at the slope of Perník (approx. 7 km).
The path is accessible in both directions and may be started in the starting or termination points. Along the whole way it is well marked with yellow strip tourist signs and displays number of information panels and several rest stops.

Places of interest:
Bärenstein –  memorial at the place of shooting down of the last bear in the Šumava
Schwarzenberg channel – part of the channel with the tunnel in vicinity of the village of Jelení
Rock outlook – rock town on the slope of Perník hill (1049 m)
Viklan (Logan) – extraordinary form of rocking stone
Obří kostky (Giant Cubes) – even cubic boulders
Kamenná kráska (Stone Beauty)
Hřib (Boletus) – rock formation in shape of a giant mushroom

Plešné Lake I.

Nová Pec – part (parking next to the building of the Mountain Rescue) green-marked tourist path, distance 7 km
The path leads from Raškov car park along the Schwarzenberg floating channel towards Rossbach with an interesting aqueduct. From here in direction of Říjiště, where we can refresh ourselves, and further past Buk and along the Jezerní path across the stone sea to Plešné Lake. The path leads mainly along a consolidated trail except for the 1,5 km long final section from Buk, which is in a considerably difficult rocky terrain.

Plešné Lake II.

Jelení Vrchy (parking) green-marked tourist path, distance 7 km
From the parking past the tunnel (lower and upper portal) and the Schwarzenberg floating channel to Hučina, where we turn left to Plešné Lake. The path leads along a consolidated trail.


Cross-country skiing hints

Well kept cross-country skiing tracks can be found in the southern part of the Šumava National Park throughout the whole winter season.

Starting points:
Nová Pec (parking next to Merlin hotel) – direction: Klápa, Blížší Lhota, Zadní Zvonková (here a connection to Austria, to the Shöneben cross-country skiing resort)
Nová Pec (parking next to Merlin hotel) – direction: Klápa, Říjiště, Plešné Lake, Jelení Vrchy, Stožec, Černý Kříž
Nová Pec (by the saw-mill) – direction: Nová pec – part, Pastviny, Říjiště, Plešné Lake, Jelení Vrchy, Stožec, Černý Kříž
Nová Pec – part (parking next to the building of the Mountain Rescue) direction: Pastviny, Říjiště, Plešné  Lake, Jelení Vrchy, Stožec, Černý Kříž 
Jelení Vrchy – parking – direction: Plešné Lake, Stožec, Černý Kříž
Jelení Vrchy – parking – direction: museum, along the channel Říjiště, Nová Pec– part

Up-to-date information about condition of cross-country skiing tracks


Downhill Skiing


České Žleby Ski Resort

Horní Vltavice

Kvilda Ski Resort

Zadov Ski Resort

Nové Hutě


Other Activities


In Nová Pec (3 km) under the bridge or in Horní Planá (7 km) on the beach.


The canoes may be rented directly in the village and (at favourable water-level stage) sail down the Vltava from Soumarský most to Pěkná and from Pěkná further to Nová Pec without limitation.


Wide possibilities of sport fishing in the whole area. Fishing permits for the coarse fishing waters are available at MO Horní Planá or at MO Volary and for the trout waters (the Studená Vltava) at the Šumava National Park office in Vimperk.