Stožec Chapel

Stožec Chapel
Stožec Chapel
Stožec Chapel - Original chapel

Chapel of the Virgin Mary (popularly called "Stožecká kaple") – the wooden pilgrimage chapel standing at the altitude of 950 metres was built in 1791 by Jakoubek Klauser, the blacksmith of Volary, as his thanks for miraculous healing of his sight. It is built beyond the spring of healing water allegedly having miraculous treating powers on eyesight. Thanks to these alleged curative effects and the miraculous picture of the Virgin Mary, the Chapel used to be much sought-for by pilgrims from both Bohemia and nearby Bavaria. For example, on the saint's day of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary on 15th August 1920, 5600 people from both sides of the frontier came to the mass served at the chapel.
The chapel underwent reconstruction in 1804 and was renovated several times later on. During the communist regime the chapel nevertheless considerably decayed due to the severe mountainous climatic conditions and finally only its ruins remained.
Fortunately, in 1987-1988 the Stožec chapel was restored once again thanks to Mr. Jan Kocourek from Prachatice. Its inauguration took place on 9th November 1988. It was reconsecrated by the Cardinal Miloslav Vlk on 25th August 1990. The main pilgrimage takes place each year on the first Sunday after 14th August. A duplicate of the Sožec chapel was built in 1985 in the nearby Phillipsreut (frontier crossing between the Czech Republic and Germany Strážný/Phillipsreut).


Mapový systém, (c) Planstudio