Medvědí stezka (Bear path) is the oldest instructional trail in the Šumava mountains and extends from the railway station of Ovesná (about 3 km to the west of Nová Pec) to the railway station of Černý Kříž (both on the railway line Nová Pec - Černý kříž - Volary) in the Šumava NP.The trail is focused mainly on various geological and geomorphological formations of Trojmezenská highlands. The distance of the instructive path is 14 km. It is nevertheless possible to follow its shorter version between the villages of Ovesná and Jelení with various interesting rocky formations on the slope of Perník mountain (approximately 7 km long).
The path is two-way and may be entered to at both its starting point and destination. It is marked with yellow tourist signs and features many information panels. There are also several rest areas. The trail is designed for hikers. A little road from Nová Pec leads to the beginning of the shortened version to the village of Jelení.
Bärenstein – memorial in the place of shooting of the last Šumava bear
Schwarzenberg canal – the canal section with a tunnel in the neighbourhoods of Jelení
Rocky Outlook (Skalní vyhlídka) – rock town on the slope of Perník hill (1049 m)
Logan (Viklan) – extraordinary form of a logan
Giant Cubes (Obří kostky) – regularly formed cubic boulders
Stone Beauty (Kamenná kráska)
Smuggler's Cave (Pašerácká jeskyně) – rocka formation reminding of a cave
Boletus (Hřib) – rocky formation in a shape of a giant muschroom