
Březník (Pürstling in German) is placed at the northern edge of Luzenské valley, beyond confluence of the Luzenský and the Březnický streams giving birth to the Modravský stream, which is one of the main spring streams of the Vydra river. The whole location is one of the places with the highest precipitations (long-term average of 1522 mm in a year, with the maximum of 2132 mm in 1922) and the lowest temperatures in the Czech Republic.
The Prince of Schwarzenberg, new owner of the Prášily estates, completed in 1804 the four existing forest districts of Prášily, Nová Studnice, Schätzův les and Modrava with a new one called Pürstling (or Březník in Czech). It was in this period when a wooden gamekeeper's lodge was built in Březník, which was replaced with a stone building in 1856. The Scwarzenberg's lodge was inhabited until 1951. In the inter-war period it provided accommodation (13 beds) and tasty cuisine (including Protivín beer). After the World War II the gamekeeper's lodge of Březník became in connection with building of the "Iron Curtain" a seat of the Border Guard unit. A new building of the Border Guard was built to the west of the lodge in 1970's and the original gamekeeper's lodge was falling into disrepair afterwards. Fortunately, an extensive reconstruction of the lodge preserving the original style of the building was carried out in 1998-2002 and the place revived in 2003 as a tourist information and refuge point. Since 2007 the place has been operating as an Information Centre of the Šumava National Park Administration, housing a permanent exposition commemorating the significant local author Karel Klostermann and offering refreshment.
In the best-known and the most beautiful novel by Karel Klostermann, From the World of Forest Seclusions, the Březník gamekeeper's lodge is a house of the district forest officer Kořán, one of the book's main characters.
Březník is a gallery of one of the most beautiful views in the Šumava - the wide valley of the Luzenský stream with the border Šumava maintains Malá and Velká Mokrůvka, Hraniční hora and Špičník, majestically dominated by the cone-shaped mountain of Luzný (1375 m) on the Bavarian side of the state frontier.


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