Memorial of Andreas Hartauer

Memorial of Andreas Hartauer
In memory of the glass-maker, poet and musician Andreas Hartauer, a monument was dedicated on 27th July 1937 beyond the village. The memorial stone is carved out of the Šumava granite. The Hartauer's "Šumava anthem" has an original name „Tief drin im Bömerwald“, which can be translated as "Over there, in the beautiful Šumava". The sign on the monument goes in German: "Dem Andenken des Glassmachers Andreas Hartauer, der der Welt das Lied Tief drin im Bőhmerwald geschenkt hat," which means "In memory of the glass-maker Andreas Hartauer, who dedicated his song 'Over there, in the beautiful Šumava' to the world". Hartauer was born in 1839 in Stachy as one of eight children of a glass worker. He attended apprenticeship for a glass-maker in Zlatá Studna and later worked in the  lenora glass-works for two years where he also played in a music band. After his departure from the Šumava his home-sickness inspired him to compose the song "Over there, in the beautiful Šumava" and sent it to several of his friends back at home. The song quickly spread. Andreas Hartauer died in 1915 in Austria.


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